
Future Highways 2015

The Future of Highways Data post written in June 2014 was created for the speed learning session of the same name at the Future Highways Conference 2014.  A year on, the content remains relevant as many local authorities are moving from a reactive to proactive highways maintenance programme. One of the biggest challenges is securing additional …

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World Rod Assocation congress Network Resilience 2014 Belfast

Conference organisers missing out on huge opportunities to engage audiences

Conference organisers in the highways and transport sector are failing to embrace social networking or challenge the traditional conference model sufficently to enable transformation of local highways services The World Road Association UK congress on Network Resilience, on 4th and 5th November 2014 in Belfast will be the fourth major highways and transport industry conference I’ve …

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Highways Maintenance Funding Post 2015

Teresa Jolley reflects on the key messages from the South West engagement session held by the Department for Transport in Exeter on 3rd March 2014 to consult on proposed funding changes for Highways Maintenance block capital funding post 2015. The Department for Transport is proposing greater certainty of funding for Highways Maintenance between 2015/16-2020/21, which …

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Funding Local Transport in England

Three funding sources £8.5 billion was spent on Local Transport in 2010-11.  The funding English local authorities receive to deliver local transport come from three primary sources (National Audit Office report: Funding for Local Transport, October 2012): Department for Transport, comprising: Money given directly to councils via block funding for Road Maintenance, Integrated Transport and Highways Maintenance …

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Central Government Spend on Transport in England

Within Central Government in England, responsibility for ensuring the country has a good transport infrastructure lies with the Department for Transport.  With an annual spend of around £12 billion, the Department for Transport ranked 11th amongst Central Government Departments in 2010-11 and 2011-12, representing just 2% of the total central government spend.  See post on …

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Central Government Spending in England

Thanks to some great work at the Guardian, in their datablog Government Spending by Department  2011-12: get the data it is now easy to see how nearly £700 billion of public money is spent by Central Government Departments. Here’s an interactive version of their work to explore (available also on the link above): As the Guardian …

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Introduction to Local Roads

In England, Scotland and Wales, local government is responsible for all roads that fall outside the jurisdiction of the Strategic Road Network (explained in the introductory post on Motorways and Trunk Roads). Local Road Classification Principal ‘A’ Roads – (green coloured signposts, green or red colouring in road maps and atlases) B Roads – (white …

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Introduction to Motorways and Trunk Roads

Motorways and Trunk roads in Great Britain, often referred to together as the Strategic Road Network, are the key routes across the country that play such a vital role in keeping the country moving. Because of their strategic importance, they are managed centrally by each country through single bodies / organisations: England: Highways Agency Scotland: …

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