
Future Highways conference Intro Teresa JolleyI’m an independent consultant providing individuals, teams and organisations with the support needed to make significant change happen.

My primary areas of interest are highways and transport (DEFT153 Ltd), and integrated health and wellbeing (root2being).

We all have visions, ideals and wishes for how the world could be different.  Whether it’s an ambitious work project, or a more personal goal or challenge, we all face barriers and challenges to making our intentions a reality.

Open Data Camp Bristol, credit WNBishopSometimes you need a fearless, engaging, well-connected energy ball to help you on your way.  That’s where I come in!

I’m experienced in delivering complex personal and business transformational change programmes, and  I’ve already achieved what many might consider miraculous results on a personal level (root2being), and in large consultancies and SME’s in the highways, business performance, data and publishing/events sectors (DEFT153 Ltd).     

Because of my depth and breadth of experience, engaging and creative Open Data Camp Bristol highways discussion, credit Neil C Fordapproach, and willingness to do the hard graft no-one else has the time or patience to do, I help challenging projects succeed. I effortlessly connect and fit in at all levels; CEO and Board level, senior and middle management, technical specialists and those busy delivering daily tasks. 

I work where I’m needed, in a variety of roles to support others efforts to connect, share and break down barriers so you, your team and project can succeed.  I’m always open to the next challenge, and I look forward to discussing how I can help you succeed with your next project.


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