local government

Funding Local Transport in England

Three funding sources £8.5 billion was spent on Local Transport in 2010-11.  The funding English local authorities receive to deliver local transport come from three primary sources (National Audit Office report: Funding for Local Transport, October 2012): Department for Transport, comprising: Money given directly to councils via block funding for Road Maintenance, Integrated Transport and Highways Maintenance …

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Introduction to Local Roads

In England, Scotland and Wales, local government is responsible for all roads that fall outside the jurisdiction of the Strategic Road Network (explained in the introductory post on Motorways and Trunk Roads). Local Road Classification Principal ‘A’ Roads – (green coloured signposts, green or red colouring in road maps and atlases) B Roads – (white …

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Highways Industry Publications

Want to keep up to date with the latest thinking?  Need to find a document quickly?  Know roughly when it was published, or its Title? Here’s is an  searchable compilation of the key publications relevant to the local government highways sector, complete with hyperlink to each document.  Starting with Sir Michael Latham’s ‘Constructing The Team’ …

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Gritter Twitter

I think #grittertwitter is a great name for a Twitter hashtag, but I wonder how many councils use it? Do people find it helpful? As a first step, I thought I’d create a simple twitter search to see how it’s being used. Tweets about “#grittertwitter”